November 2nd 2009 Issue - 'TAKE US HOME'
8:43 AM | Author: Glen Binger
Sometimes the only thing we want is to go home. This issue tries to bring us there. First, let me apologize. I do my best to create a new issue of 50 to 1 every week; however, my life has become a tad bit busier than usual, so I was forced to delay this issue. Hopefully, you, the faithful readers, understand. TAKE US HOME features work from: Doug Bond, Mike Shafer, Susan Carleton, Matthew Dexter, Melissa Jones, Ozzie Nogg and Casey L. Clague. It is awesome and it will make you desire nothing but the warm, soft comfort only your bed at home can give you. As usual, please visit the contributor's sites and leave some positive comments. I am glad to say the submissions of 1st lines has increased in number. Excellent! Anyway, after this long-winded introduction, please enjoy!

- Glen
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On 11/2/09, 7:12 PM , Eric said...

I was worried! A week without an issue of 50-to-1? I had to go elsewhere for my flash fiction, but they're not as concise as the ones you publish.

Just wanted to let you know you have readers out there.

Good luck with the magazine!

On 11/3/09, 9:05 AM , Glen Binger said...

Eric - Thank you. You have no idea how much better than made me feel! Spread the word about the flash fiction addiction!