Xanthic Moon by Rebecca Gaffron
12:45 PM | Author: Glen Binger
Xanthic Moon by Rebecca Gaffron

Run with me up the hill. Run fast! Past the house on the end of the street, to the grassy lunar pier. From there we can climb on and ride into the stars. The hush of inky black will wash over us, before we fall and crash, broken, into reality.

Rebecca Gaffron is fascinated by sea-green spaces, words, and men who behave like cats. She is a sometimes writer and can be found at her virtual home - http://rebeccawriting.wordpress.com.
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On 8/26/10, 9:44 AM , Unknown said...

Stunning imagery . . . lunar pier and inky black washing over us . . . brilliant!

On 9/3/10, 6:15 PM , DB said...

Hey everyone! I edit fictiondaily.org, an aggregator of online fiction. We choose three short stories every day from online magazines to present to a wider audience. I like this one. Short and image-packed. We're going to feature it tomorrow under our "Short" section.
