Open the door, go inside. Turn around, open the door again and go outside. 'In and Out' is the new issue of 50 to 1. Get ready for both sides. Featured authors include: Tess Almendarez Lojacono, Angela Qian, Neila Mezynski, Gay Degani, JY Saville, Justin Grimbol, and C. S. Roberts.
Glen needs some coffee.
Burial for the Living By C. S. Roberts
“I’m sorry about your wife,” they try their hardest to convince me how sorry they are. I in turn am convincing them everything’s going to be all right. No really, don’t worry. Because there’s something they don’t know. My wife’s not dead. I’m off to see her in a minute.
C. S. Roberts loves to read fantasy, horror, mystery and any other genre you can think of. Meanwhile, he's struggling to find the time to actually write something.
“I’m sorry about your wife,” they try their hardest to convince me how sorry they are. I in turn am convincing them everything’s going to be all right. No really, don’t worry. Because there’s something they don’t know. My wife’s not dead. I’m off to see her in a minute.
C. S. Roberts loves to read fantasy, horror, mystery and any other genre you can think of. Meanwhile, he's struggling to find the time to actually write something.
SLEEPING IN By Justin Grimbol
She comes home from work and finds me in bed.
“Wake up!” she yells.
I hiss like an animal that has been cornered. She laughs, then makes me breakfast. I like pretend like we’re married, like I’m her hard working husband, when in actuality I’m being treated like a child.
Justin Grimbol lives in Astoria Oregon. His first novel, DRINKING UNTIL MORNING, was recently published by Black Coffee Press. (
She comes home from work and finds me in bed.
“Wake up!” she yells.
I hiss like an animal that has been cornered. She laughs, then makes me breakfast. I like pretend like we’re married, like I’m her hard working husband, when in actuality I’m being treated like a child.
Justin Grimbol lives in Astoria Oregon. His first novel, DRINKING UNTIL MORNING, was recently published by Black Coffee Press. (
Renton, Patented Robot Butler by JY Saville
The 'robot butler' was a box on wheels, a painted bow-tie on its metal side. It lacked the ability to mix a decent cocktail and could only announce a knock at the door, leaving someone else to answer it. Martha wished she wasn't such a sucker for slick marketing campaigns.
Trained as a theoretical physicist, JY Saville writes mainly short fiction, mainly in the genre loosely termed speculative. Her speculative work has been published at, among other places, 365tomorrows, Silver Blade and Everyday Weirdness; more mainstream work has appeared at PicFic, Short, Fast and Deadly and Every Day Fiction. She blogs at
The 'robot butler' was a box on wheels, a painted bow-tie on its metal side. It lacked the ability to mix a decent cocktail and could only announce a knock at the door, leaving someone else to answer it. Martha wished she wasn't such a sucker for slick marketing campaigns.
Trained as a theoretical physicist, JY Saville writes mainly short fiction, mainly in the genre loosely termed speculative. Her speculative work has been published at, among other places, 365tomorrows, Silver Blade and Everyday Weirdness; more mainstream work has appeared at PicFic, Short, Fast and Deadly and Every Day Fiction. She blogs at
Closed Down by Gay Degani
The janitor's urine was gone so he crawled under the eaves of the abandoned hospital’s roof and collapsed onto a quilt, its batting spilled like guts, dragged a stained straight-jacket over his face, embarrassed even in death he'd left his key-ring on the other side of the attic door.
Gay Degani is lucky enough to work above her garage where she can see a pepper tree out the window while she types. A list of her stories online can be found at Words in Place. She’s s a staff editor at SmokeLong Quarterly as well as editor of EDF’s Flash Fiction Chronicles.
The janitor's urine was gone so he crawled under the eaves of the abandoned hospital’s roof and collapsed onto a quilt, its batting spilled like guts, dragged a stained straight-jacket over his face, embarrassed even in death he'd left his key-ring on the other side of the attic door.
Gay Degani is lucky enough to work above her garage where she can see a pepper tree out the window while she types. A list of her stories online can be found at Words in Place. She’s s a staff editor at SmokeLong Quarterly as well as editor of EDF’s Flash Fiction Chronicles.
1st line by Neila Mezynski
Hair in ringlets, bows on dress, lace on socks, jowls on face.
Neila Mezynski has fiction and poetry published on Snow Monkey Journal, Elimae, Word Riot, Kill Author, Northville Review, Mud Luscious, The Scrambler among many others.
Hair in ringlets, bows on dress, lace on socks, jowls on face.
Neila Mezynski has fiction and poetry published on Snow Monkey Journal, Elimae, Word Riot, Kill Author, Northville Review, Mud Luscious, The Scrambler among many others.
Twisted by Angela Qian
His face was blank. The expression didn't change even when I dug the knife in under his armpit. When I drove the knife in and started crying on his shoulder. When I screamed and jumped back with the knife still stuck. His face didn't change. And he didn't bleed.
Angela Qian is a student, dreamer, incorrigible romantic, and big eater. One day she will bake a chocolate mousse cake and finish her novel. For now, she spends her days staring at the computer screen and falling in love with fictional manga characters. She blogs excessively, at
His face was blank. The expression didn't change even when I dug the knife in under his armpit. When I drove the knife in and started crying on his shoulder. When I screamed and jumped back with the knife still stuck. His face didn't change. And he didn't bleed.
Angela Qian is a student, dreamer, incorrigible romantic, and big eater. One day she will bake a chocolate mousse cake and finish her novel. For now, she spends her days staring at the computer screen and falling in love with fictional manga characters. She blogs excessively, at
Why Sharing Sucks by Tess Almendarez Lojacono
She swayed closer, her finger in my face. "Everybody doesn't do it; you are wasting tons of money and it does make you look like a slut!"
I smiled at her glass. She forgot the rolled bill was hers.
Tess Almendarez Lojacono, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, is a writer, business owner, teacher, and editor but-always a writer first. She edits a column for International Family Magazine and has been published in print and online including Etchings Magazine and others. Her first novel, Milagros, will be published in December 2010, by Laughing Cactus Press.
She swayed closer, her finger in my face. "Everybody doesn't do it; you are wasting tons of money and it does make you look like a slut!"
I smiled at her glass. She forgot the rolled bill was hers.
Tess Almendarez Lojacono, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, is a writer, business owner, teacher, and editor but-always a writer first. She edits a column for International Family Magazine and has been published in print and online including Etchings Magazine and others. Her first novel, Milagros, will be published in December 2010, by Laughing Cactus Press.