About 50 to 1
2:47 PM | Author: Glen Binger
In the course of human events it eventually comes to pass that one must make a blog. The literary duo known as Glen and Sam finally came up with the greatest idea ever born to modern humankind: an ezine that posts only 50 word stories and first line inspirational sentences that are meant to get the reader hooked into the rest of the story. By limiting the readership to these conventions we hope to liberate them from the terror of writing a short story or a novel and get more stories out into the collective unconsciousness to share the experiences that make us human. Any and all kinds of good stories will be accepted. Eventually Sam and Glen had to concentrate on life and other ventures, and passed all responsibilities of 50 to 1 over to a fellow writer, named Paul. Now, as the head editor, he updates as often as he can, and always enjoys reading submissions, whether they are published or not. For more information, see the submission guidelines.
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